Stefano Presenza in the News
Stefano is proud to be an active member of his local Sudbury community. As such, he has been in the news for his magic performances on several occasions, both as an independent artist, and in his partnership in Dueling Magicians. A magician is truly nothing without fans, and it is because of an amazing audience that news is made. Thanks go out to the community and clients for their kind words.
Here's a past promotional radio clip for the SVENGALI show on HOT 93.5
 (CLICK to listen) -->
<-- (CLICK to enlarge) Here's newspaper coverage
Here's more media coverage in SNAP Toronto​ <-- (CLICK to see link)
Latest projects
​Stefano Presenza November 2012
First off, I wanted to take a minute to thank you for visiting. With each step of progression in my field, I take a moment to smell the roses and enjoy the past performances, and I realize that I get my motivation for new developments from YOU, the fan. As I look back on past videos, I am reminded that I offer a sense of wonder and amazement to onlookers, and it is this joy that carries me forward.
Here are some ideas I am contemplating as we move into 2013:
- public stunts (like an upside-down straight-jacket escape from a crane, walking on glass, needle-swallowing, etc)
​- performing on-site live-link magic (ie. visiting participating businesses and doing on-site magic with their products)
- larger-scale corporate shows, as well as travelling, promoting my own show
- partnerships in the education sector to promote art, creativity & motivational success
- more involvement with community organizations and fund-raising
- as always, new jaw-dropping effects that continue to warp reality, along with more amazing videos
I would like to extend an invitation to ALL of you to submit your thoughts and ideas for any kind of magic you would like to see, especially in our local community. Anything that can foster local growth is always a win-win for all!
Please drop me a line or call directly!
Past Clients

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